In fulfilment of that stipulated in the Constitutional Law 15/1999 of the 13th December, we wish to inform you that the personal data you have provided to us is stored in a file called “KONTAKTUAK”, for which EUSKAL HERRIKO IKASTOLAK EKE is responsible. This aim of the file is to manage people who contact us for information via our webpage. This information could be used in comunication tools created by the organisation or could also be given to insurance companies, schools or even to hostels, so that the purpose mentioned is achieved. This file has been notified to Agencia Española de Protección de Datos and has the necessary security measures to guarantee the total security of the data
We remind you the possibility to exercise your right to access, rectification, opposition or cancelation, in the terms established in the pointed Law, by sending a written communication to the Security Responsible of EUSKAL HERRIKO IKASTOLAK EKE., indicating the name of the file to the following e-mail: